6 Signs You Have Mixed Drugs With Intimate Relations
Most of us want to be in a good relationships. Relationships require 100% attention from both partners. But, if either partner is involved with drugs, this is not longer the case. Because now, you have drugs or alcohol, which will soon take precedence over your relationship. Enter your new lover, drugs or alcohol. And this lover wants to break you up!
People who are in relationships with someone who abuses drugs are more unhappy than someone without an addicted partner.
Substance abuse is one of the main reasons for fighting and financial difficulty. If either partner cannot carry their part of the relationship, it will have to end. Or both people, including any children involved will pay with homelessness and complete ruin.
Here are some 6 signs which might determine if your relationship is headed to ruin because of drug or alcohol abuse.
1. Arguments about Drugs or Alcohol. A couple without drug or alcohol use, will not even have this argument.
2. Having to cover for your partner to others because of drug or alcohol use.
3. Using drugs or alcohol to relieve stress in the relationship.
4. Drugs and alcohol use is one of the few things you like to do together.
5. You need to be high or drunk to talk to one another or show affection.
6. Isolating yourself from friends or family to hide alcohol or drug use.
Good relationships take effort. Your focus has to be what is best for your partner first. Not yourself. If you are abusing drugs or alcohol – you are doing what is good for yourself.
If you or a loved one needs help with addiction, please call American Addiction Centers at .
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