Rehab for Men in Nevada
Men who struggle with substance abuse or addiction often face unique challenges and may benefit from sex- or gender-specific programming. Men may struggle with the concept of seeking help, as gender stereotyping may lead them to believe that seeking treatment is a sign of weakness. Even after going into treatment, some men may feel uncomfortable with and even threatened by the “help-seeking” process, and this can cause them to hold back from fully engaging. Some men may benefit from programs that are specialized to address this stigma and other unique challenges men face regarding substance abuse.
Fortunately, Nevada is home to several specialized recovery programs, including programs for men. Of the 106 substance abuse treatment facilities in Nevada, 52 have programs or groups that are specifically tailed to adult men.2, 3 Understanding the challenges some men face when struggling with addiction, how programs or groups tailored to men can help address these struggles, and how to locate rehab programs tailored to men in Nevada may help you to better find long-lasting recovery.
How Does Addiction Affect Men?
Addiction can affect men and women differently, particularly in how the two groups interact with substances and addiction treatment. For instance, in American society, many men face unique social pressures and, in some cases, even encourage drinking.1 Many events in a man’s life are celebrated with rituals that may involve or even encourage drinking to excess.1 Social pressures to participate in ritual substance use for fear of departing from reinforced ideas of masculinity can cause some men to experience addiction.1
When men experience addiction, it is also often experienced in different ways than women.4 For example, men are more likely than women to abuse various types of illicit drugs, and are also more likely to end up in emergency rooms or suffer overdose deaths from substance abuse.4 Additionally, men are more likely that women to binge drink, and may binge drink more frequently.10 Furthermore, excessive alcohol consumption in men is linked to a greater risk of violence and sexual violence.10
There are also subgroups of men who experience substance abuse and addiction differently than women and other male counterparts. For example, in the United States nearly 89 percent of veterans are male.5 Veterans who struggle with substance use disorder (SUD) also commonly meet the diagnostic criteria for mental health conditions like PTSD, depression, and anxiety.6 Indeed, veterans with an SUD are 3-4 times more likely to receive a PTSD or depression diagnosis than their peers without an SUD.6 LGBTQ men may also face additional mental health challenges that complicate substance use and addiction treatment.7 Gay and bisexual men with SUDs are more likely to report mental distress, depression, or other co-occurring mental health disorders than heterosexual men.7 Additionally, transgender adolescents may struggle with higher rates of mental health disorders.7 Veterans with PTSD or depression and LGBTQ men with depression or another mental health disorder may benefit from undergoing dual diagnosis treatment that concurrently treats a substance use disorder and other co-occurring mental health issues.7
Treatment Obstacles that Men with Addiction Face
While men may recognize that they are struggling with their substance use, they may be hesitant to ask about or attend addiction treatment.8 Despite facing greater barriers to treatment, women initiate substance abuse treatment at similar or greater rates than men.8 Furthermore, despite men and women being equally as likely to complete treatment, women tend to have better long-term recovery outcomes than men.8 Interestingly, women who completed treatment were nine times more likely to be abstinent than women who did not complete treatment, whereas men who completed treatment were only three times more likely to be abstinent than men who did not.8 Clearly, there are extenuating factors that appear to be affecting many men’s ability to achieve and maintain recovery, and possibly to initiate addiction treatment.
A large factor could be stigma. As previously mentioned, many American men experience social pressures that are deeply rooted to traditional notions of masculinity.1 From a young age, American men are taught that masculinity centers on traits such as emotional control, competitiveness, fearlessness, invulnerability, self-sufficiency, and aggressiveness.1 Men who adopt these traditional ideas of masculinity may shy away from seeking addiction treatment, believing that seeking help makes them appear weak.1 Men may also experience shame when struggling with addiction or any other mental health disorders. Feelings of shame can lead men to be averse or even hostile to seeking help, and could hamper therapy outcomes if it affects men’s ability to communicate honestly.1
Male sexuality may also be another factor than can influence a man’s relationship with substances and whether he seeks treatment as well as the way men interact with addiction treatment. This is especially true for men with a history of childhood physical or sexual abuse or are victimized by domestic partners. Men who do not have this history may also have anxiety or shame around discussing sexual behavior, sexual trauma, and their sexual development.1
Difficulties finding employment can also affect how men interact with substances and substance abuse treatment. High-stress jobs and careers that have large populations of men, such as military servicemembers and first responders like firefighters, may struggle with stressors unique to their professions and a culture that often encourages substance use.1 Other jobs may have after-work drinking cultures that encourage individuals to drink to be part of the group. Additionally, men who are unemployed may be more likely to use substances and may not have insurance or a way to cover the cost of substance abuse treatment.1
While the exact reasons as to why men may be hesitant to seek addiction treatment are varied, men’s programs may be able to help erode these factors and help men live healthier lives in recovery.
Specialized Rehab Programs for Men
The gender-specific challenges that men face when struggling with addiction can be difficult. Some may benefit from or be more comfortable attending a rehab program where the patient cohort is made up of other men, and where treatment is tailored to their individual medical goals and needs. One of the big ways men’s programs differ from other programs is their emphasis on peer support from other men and men’s-only group therapy sessions.1 Traditional gender roles around the masculine ideal of self-sufficiency and a culture that encourages substitution of alcohol for honest communication can leave some men with difficulty in open communication. By emphasizing peer-to-peer support and group therapy, men’s programs attempt to foster a sense of familiarity and openness that challenges societal expectations of gender.1 Peer support and group therapies can also help men become more comfortable with sharing and vulnerability, encourage men to express themselves honestly, and help men develop effective and healthy methods of communication.1
If a patient is diagnosed with a co-occurring mental health disorder, they may benefit from a dual diagnosis treatment program.1 Treatment for co-occurring mental health disorders can vary widely depending on the subgroup of men engaging in treatment.
How Do Men’s Rehab Programs Work?
Men’s rehab programs tend to follow a similar structure and use similar treatment modalities to other substance abuse rehab programs, the main difference being you will be attending group sessions and participating in other activities alongside other men, vs. both women and men.
Rehab typically begins with an initial assessment to help determine what level of care is needed, the therapies and other treatment interventions (including medication) you’ll receive, and if the patient is a suitable candidate for a men’s rehab program. If the patient needs to detox, they may be offered medical detoxification services in-house or at a different facility that specializes in the treatment.8 Following medical detox, a patient may be referred to a rehab facility for treatment. Inpatient (or residential) or outpatient treatment is typically the next phase of treatment. Inpatient and residential rehab offers 24/7 support and various therapies and programs to help patients achieve recovery.8 Inpatient and residential programs may last a few weeks to a few months and some can last several months to a year.8 Outpatient programs allow you to live at home and attend treatment at designated times. Outpatient programs vary in intensity and may require include anywhere from 6 to 30 hours of treatment a week. Some individuals move to outpatient treatment after completing a more intensive inpatient treatment track.8
While the specific therapies used in rehab programs can vary greatly, there are several common types of therapy you may encounter during rehab:9
How to Find a Rehab for Men in Las Vegas, Nevada
Finding rehab programs specialized for men in the state of Nevada doesn’t have to be difficult. 52 of Nevada’s 106 rehab facilities offer specialized treatment for adult men.2 An important first step would be to reach out to your doctor or a trusted medical professional. They can work with you to determine your treatment needs and goals and possibly even refer you to a Nevada rehab facility. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) also operates a treatment locator that can connect you with rehabs in the Las Vegas area and the state of Nevada.
You may also consider reaching out to an addiction helpline. These helplines can provide vital information about men’s programs and where to find them. American Addiction Centers operates one such helpline. Admission navigators are available around-the-clock to answer any questions you may have about the treatment process, and they can even help connect you to facilities that have men’s programs as well as other specialized services.
American Addiction Centers also operates Desert Hope, a Las Vegas rehab that offers evidence-based treatment for substance abuse and co-occurring mental health disorders.