Adderall Withdrawal Symptoms and Timeline
Adderall is a prescription stimulant medicine that combines dextroamphetamine and amphetamine. It is commonly used to treat Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy, a sleep disorder.1 But Adderall is also commonly misused as a “study drug,” for weight loss purposes, or to feel the intense pleasure (euphoria) high doses can cause.1
Adderall withdrawal can be uncomfortable and make it hard to stop using on your own. Learning how to cope with withdrawal can be easier when you have the resources and support of a professional detox center. This page will you learn more about Adderall withdrawal symptoms and treatment, as well as how to find help.
What Is Adderall Withdrawal?
Adderall withdrawal symptoms can happen when you are physically dependent on Adderall and suddenly stop taking it or greatly reduce your dose following regular use.1, 2 Dependence means that your body and brain have gotten used to the presence of Adderall in your system and without the drug in your system, you will have withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal can happen even if you take Adderall exactly as your doctor told you.7 Adderall withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable and range from mild to severe, but they are rarely life-threatening.2, 3
Signs and Symptoms of Adderall Withdrawal?
In general, Adderall and other prescription stimulant withdrawal symptoms are the opposite of the drug’s effects and may include:2,4
- Fatigue.
- Anxiety.
- Depressed mood, including not feeling pleasure in things you used to enjoy.
- Feeling irritable.
- Increased hunger.
- Nightmares or vivid, unpleasant dreams.
- Sleep trouble.
- Slowed or uncontrollable movements.
- Trouble focusing.
- Adderall cravings.
Which symptoms you have and how bad they are will depend on:2–5
- How long you’ve been using Adderall.
- How much you take.
- If you take Adderall in combination with alcohol or other drugs.
- If you have any other medical or mental health conditions.
Depression After Stopping Adderall
Depression is a common symptom of withdrawal from amphetamines such as Adderall.2,4 It can involve:2
- Losing interest or pleasure in activities you used to enjoy.
- An unhappy mood.
- Worsening of certain withdrawal symptoms, such as fatigue and changes to sleep and eating habits.
In some people, the depression associated with stimulant withdrawal can become severe or come and go for weeks to months after stopping stimulant use. This can lead to suicidal thoughts or behaviors, which is one of the greatest dangers associated with Adderall and other stimulant withdrawal.2, 5
How Long Does Adderall Withdrawal Last?
How long Adderall withdrawal lasts depends on a number of factors, such as:2, 5
- How long you’ve been using it.
- How much you take.
- How often you take it.
- If you use other substances.
- Your physical and mental health.
In general, Adderall withdrawal symptoms begin a few hours to a few days after your last dose. For some people, this starts with a “crash” involving feelings of exhaustion, increased hunger, and sleeping a lot.2, 3 This crash is often felt by people who binge Adderall or take it in increasingly higher doses. Over the first few days, movement and thinking tend to slow, and depression symptoms may appear or worsen.2, 3 These symptoms typically improve over the course of a week or two, but certain post-acute withdrawal symptoms like irritability and depression can linger for several weeks or longer2, 3 The stress of withdrawal may lead people to return to Adderall or other prescription or illicit (illegal) stimulant use.
How to Treat Adderall Withdrawal
Detox is often the first step to recovery from a stimulant use disorder.5 An inpatient detox center can offer a safe and supportive environment with around-the-clock care and supervision. Medical detox can also be supervised by clinical staff on an outpatient basis. During detox, your care team may give prescription medicines to ease some of the more distressing withdrawal symptoms.3, 4 For example, a doctor may prescribe antidepressants for severe depression or sleep aids for insomnia.3, 4
After detox, some people choose to continue treatment with rehab in either an inpatient or outpatient setting. Inpatient rehab involves staying at a treatment center for the length of treatment while getting 24/7 care, structured support, intensive levels of group and individual counseling, and other services as needed.4, 5 Inpatient rehab may be a good fit if you:4, 5
- Have a severe addiction.
- Have been to treatment before.
- Have limited social support networks.
- Are living in an unstable environment.
- Have more complex treatment needs, such as co-occurring mental health disorders or certain medical conditions.
Or you may find outpatient treatment more suitable for your needs, especially if you have strong social support networks or a less severe addiction.5 At an outpatient treatment center, you get similar care as in inpatient rehab but you still live at home and can engage in your typical daily routine.4, 5 Outpatient treatment can range in intensity and length, lasting from a few hours per week up to 30 hours a week.4, 8
No matter which treatment setting you choose, Adderall addiction treatment often involves some sort of behavioral therapy.5, 6 Therapy can help you learn how to cope with cravings and high-risk situations, prevent relapse (return to drug use after a period of not using), strengthen problem-solving skills, improve your communication skills, and promote healthy behaviors.5, 6
Finding Local Adderall Detox
American Addiction Centers (AAC) is a well-respected provider of Adderall withdrawal treatment in Las Vegas, Nevada, as well as across the country. We offer services across the entire spectrum of drug rehab treatment, from detox to outpatient treatment and aftercare services. No matter where you live, our highly trained and compassionate staff can offer you high-quality, evidence-based treatment with a treatment plan custom tailored to meet your unique recovery needs.
Asking for help is hard, but you deserve to heal from Adderall addiction. If you’re ready to take back control of your life, call our free, confidential helpline 24/7 at or text us.
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