Does ConnectiCare insurance cover Alcohol and Drug Rehab & Detox?
If you struggle with substance use, it’s easy to feel isolated and alone. However, there are millions of Americans who struggle with alcohol and drug use. The good news is that you can get the help you need to break free.
How do you pay for substance use rehab? If you have health insurance through ConnectiCare healthcare, you can use your coverage to pay for some or all of the cost. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), all long-term health insurance plans are required to cover 10 essential health benefits, which include mental health and substance use treatment.1, fifth bullet
How much coverage is available and how much you pay out-of-pocket will vary depending on your specific plan, so it’s important to get the details before you commit to a treatment program. You can call ConnectiCare insurance directly using the number on the back of your insurance card, or connect with American Addiction Centers (AAC) online or by phone. Our admissions navigators can verify your insurance and answer your questions about rehab.
You deserve a life of freedom from substance use. Using your ConnectiCare coverage can help you get there.
What is ConnectiCare?
ConnectiCare has been a leading healthcare insurance provider in the state of Connecticut for over 40 years.2, Creating healthier futures The company focuses on collaborating with doctors and hospitals to provide a wide range of health plans and excellent customer service to its members.2, Creating healthier futures
ConnectiCare is a member of EmblemHealth, which also includes a physician group, and a health and well-being company.2, A family of companies This cooperation allows the organization to offer high-quality health solutions to a broad range of customers.2, A family of companies
When you have ConnectiCare medical insurance, close to 100% of Connecticut’s hospitals are in your plan’s network, and you can access telemedicine, free preventive care services, and emergency care when you travel.3, top and More than just a plan
What are ConnectiCare Coverage Levels and Plans?
ConnectiCare offers a variety of plans. You can get individual and family plans, Medicare Advantage coverage, and Medicare supplement plans.4, Our plans
Each plan will have its own monthly premium, and you’ll have specific deductibles and copayments when you need medical care, including substance use rehab. That’s why it’s so important to understand your plan before you start treatment for substance use. You don’t want there to be any surprises during your recovery.
Which States Does ConnectiCare Operate In?
As the name implies, ConnectiCare insurance coverage is available throughout Connecticut.2, Creating healthier futures The medical network you have access to might extend beyond Connecticut, however, due to the company’s parent, EmblemHealth.2, Creating healthier futures Emblem health allows ConnectiCare to offer state, regional, and national health networks, depending on your plan.
By getting the details of your specific plan’s coverage, you can choose the substance use treatment center that’s best for you. Contact ConnectiCare directly or reach out to AAC any time of day or night. We can verify your insurance in just a few minutes while speaking to you, and we’re available to answer any questions you have about rehab as well.
What will ConnectiCare insurance cover?
Your insurance plan will focus on covering medically-necessary treatment for your specific needs. No treatment plan will work for everyone, so you will work with your doctor to create one for your situation. Your doctor will ask you what substances you use, how often, what your home environment is like, and other questions. It’s essential to be honest so you get the care you need.
The most common treatment options include:5, 6
- Inpatient rehab. Inpatient treatment is a way to get away from your home environment and focus on getting better. You receive around-the-clock care and support, which allows you to focus on your recovery without any distractions. Inpatient care can also help you address any underlying mental health issues while offering treatment through individual and group counseling, educational and recreational programs, and more.
- Outpatient rehab. Outpatient care is a few hours a week of therapy, counseling, or activities. Sessions typically focus on substance abuse education, relapse prevention, stress management, communication skills, and goal setting. You can often continue to work or attend school during outpatient treatment. Outpatient treatment can be a starting point for treatment or a follow-up after you graduate from inpatient treatment.
- Intensive outpatient programs (IOP). Intensive outpatient treatment is a treatment program where clients attend therapy sessions several days a week. This type of care is more focused than normal outpatient care and provides an opportunity for you to build the skills you need to live life without substance use. IOP programs also offer courses to address the issues that often contribute to addiction, such as trauma, emotional regulation, self-discovery, and more.
- Partial hospitalization programs (PHP). PHPs bridge the gap between residential and outpatient treatment. In a PHP setting, you receive treatment during the day but can then put your new skills into practice at home in the evenings and on weekends. This type of program is ideal for people who don’t need around-the-clock care but still benefit from a highly structured treatment setting. PHPs offer a variety of services, such as one-on-one therapy, group therapy, family meetings, medical services, and treatment of co-occurring mental health disorders.
No matter what treatment program your doctor recommends, what’s most important is that you follow through on the treatment completely. It’s common to want to leave when you start to feel better, but it’s only by practicing your new habits for as long as possible that you give yourself the best chance at long-term recovery.
Does ConnectiCare Insurance Cover Mental Health Treatment Facilities?
If you struggle with your mental health and substance use, you can feel especially isolated. However, it’s more common than you might think. Around 50% of those who struggle with substance use also have a mental health diagnosis, which is known as a dual diagnosis.7, second paragraph What’s important with a dual diagnosis is that you treat both your mental health and substance use at the same time. Research shows that this type of integrated treatment gives you a much better chance at long-term recovery.8, first paragraph
Is there ConnectiCare mental health coverage to help you pay for your treatment? There is, because the ACA includes both mental health and substance use treatment in the list of required essential health benefits.1, fifth bullet Each ConnectiCare plan is different, and there might be requirements or limits on the care you can get.
That’s why it’s important to contact the insurance company or reach out to AAC to get the details of your plan. You can reach us anytime, 24/7, by online chat, over the phone, or by filling out our contact form below.
How Long Does ConnectiCare Insurance Cover Rehab?
“How long is rehab?” is a question we often hear. No answer applies to everyone, and your treatment plan will be designed with your specific needs in mind. Research shows that it takes at least 90 days for most people to make a significant change in their substance use habits, including stopping use entirely.9, fifth point That’s why many treatment programs are at least three months long.
However, your treatment program may be longer, and it might combine multiple treatment options, like inpatient care followed by outpatient treatment. The top priority is to follow your treatment plan all the way to completion so that you can have the best possible chance at long-term recovery.
Your insurance plan may have specific requirements for you to get the care you need, or there may be coverage limits to be aware of. That’s why it’s important to know the specifics of your plan. Simply call ConnectiCare or contact AAC here anytime. We’re here to help.
What if my ConnectiCare policy does not cover rehab?
As you review your treatment options, you might find that your insurance plan only covers part of the cost of treatment, and you have to pay a portion yourself. Or, perhaps you’ve found a program you’re excited about, but it’s not covered by your insurance. Either way, don’t let the finances keep you from getting the care you need. Instead, look into the variety of ways to pay for rehab. Your insurance is only part of the solution.
Some treatment programs have a sliding scale of fees based on your finances. Or, you might find that the rehab offers scholarships or that you can set up a payment plan. Some people also borrow money from their friends and family to pay for treatment.
What’s most important is that you don’t delay getting the help you need. There’s never a perfect time to go to rehab, and there will always be challenges. But substance use has serious long-term health and legal consequences, and you want to get free before it’s too late.
You deserve the life you’ve dreamed of, without substance use. We are here to help you take the first steps.
Check ConnectiCare Insurance Coverage for Rehab
Breaking free from substance use is courageous, and with the right help, you can have a successful long-term recovery. Using your ConnectiCare rehab insurance can help you afford the care you need to get free.
To ensure you get the most out of your insurance, you need to know the details of your plan. You can call the insurance company or contact AAC here by online chat, over the phone, or by filling out the form below. Our admissions navigators will review your coverage in just a few minutes while they chat with you and can also answer any questions you may have about rehab.
You deserve a life free of substance use, so you can live the life you dream of. To take the first steps toward freedom, contact us today.
ConnectiCare In Network vs. Out of Network Rehab Centers
When you look into your plan’s details, you find out that some treatment centers are considered “in-network” with your plan and others are “out-of-network.”
What does that mean? Every insurance plan has a group of doctors, hospitals, and facilities that agree to treat plan members at a lower cost.10, p. 1 What’s a Provider Network This group is known as the insurance plan’s network, and using providers in this network can help you pay less for your care.10, p. 1 What’s a Provider Network However, if you choose to use a doctor, hospital, or facility that is not part of the network—they are “out-of-network”—you may pay more of the cost yourself.10, p. 2, Why do some plans…
Many times, the insurance plan doesn’t offer any coverage outside the network.10, p. 2, Why do some plans… If you want to keep your personal costs low and maximize your insurance, focus on finding a treatment center that’s part of your ConnectiCare rehabilitation coverage. If that’s not possible, don’t panic. As we mentioned earlier, there are many ways to pay for treatment.