Inpatient Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers for Families Near Me

Problems stemming from continual abuse of different substances, most notably alcohol and drugs, can be extremely serious and cause severe, long-term consequences. Not only are SUDs harmful to you and your health, but they often have devastating effects on relationships with your friends, loved ones, and family. That’s why it’s essential to seek adequate treatment as soon as possible and enter a suitable rehab center.1

One of the available treatment options for overcoming your substance abuse disorder are family-centered alcohol and drug rehab programs designed to help individuals who are struggling with a form of SUD. On the one hand, individuals receive ample love and support in overcoming their addiction from their family members while, on the other hand, the entire family learns how to resolve their problems and restore proper functioning within their familial group.2

Family rehab and treatment programs heavily rely on members of the family during the recovery process, which is the main factor that sets them apart from more traditional treatment solutions. Individuals aiming to defeat their addiction have increased chances of success and are more likely to lead a sober and productive lives when their family is there to support them and experts are guiding them toward sobriety.2

What Is a Family Alcohol and Drug Treatment Program?

First, it’s important to differentiate between long-term and short-term rehab programs as well as outpatient and inpatient treatment centers. Every individual looking to recover from their substance use disorder has unique requirements, which is why it’s vital to perform an extensive initial assessment of their mental and physical state, as well as their addiction level and determine the best course of treatment during their intake process.3

For example, individuals struggling with a difficult, chronic and relapsing addiction to drugs are likely to achieve best results if they choose to enter a longer residential treatment program. What’s more, following this up with prolonged stay at a sober living facility or a halfway house can also further promotes sobriety and recovery.3

There are addiction treatment programs and rehab centers which impose strict rules and regulations, especially during the initial stages of treatment. Some centers restrict visitation rights for family members until an individual makes progress overcoming their addiction. However, there are also facilities which adopt the opposite approach to addiction treatment and recognize family support as the crucial component in the recovery process.4, 5

These are family-based treatment and rehab centers for drug and alcohol abuse. They provide complete support to all individuals struggling with their SUDs and emphasize a comprehensive approach to rehab. This fosters healthy family relationships and embraces the positive effects family members can have on the person trying to achieve sobriety. These facilities promote family visits and even create special arrangements in an effort to enhance recovery.5

What Five Roles Do Families Play in Addiction?

The decision to first start using drugs is an individual’s choice. However, addiction and all the consequences of addiction are not and they affect the entire family. Your familial group becomes involved in it and family members, either voluntarily or involuntarily, adopt certain behaviors and roles during this process:2

  • Lost child represents an individual with their own needs and wants who can feel lonely and isolated if neglected for a period of time as a result of the family’s attention being focused on the individual struggling with an addiction.
  • Mascot describes a member of the family who attempts to distract the family from the negative effects of the SUD and has the tendency of avoiding conflicts in life due to their personality traits.
  • Scapegoats adopt maladaptive behavioral patterns in an attempt to draw as much attention as possible from the family member combating addiction and can be in danger of developing an SUD themselves.
  • Family hero represents the very source of reliance within the family and adopts a protective role toward the member struggling with substance abuse and potentially other family members.
  • Enabler or caretaker describes the individual who strives to shield the person addicted to drug, opioids, alcohol, or other substances from the negative effects of their SUD, often neglecting their own needs in the process.

How Do Families Identify a Drug Abuse Problem?

Some family members can be unable to detect signs of substance abuse their loved one is expressing. There are also individuals willing to overlook obvious indicators of drug or alcohol problems and deny to both themselves and others that their loved one is struggling with a SUD. However, recognizing addiction, reacting quickly and providing assistance, support, and care in overcoming substance abuse can be vital in a family member’s road to recovery. Some of the most common and obvious signals include:2

  • Placing family members in harm’s way in an attempt to fuel addiction.
  • Displaying glaring physical signs of substance abuse.
  • Continual efforts to borrow money from friends, family, and acquaintances.
  • Delaying obligations and missing work.
  • Showcasing unusual changes in behavior.
  • Frequent unsuccessful attempts to become sober.

If you notice some or all of these signs, it could be time to start searching for a suitable drug or alcohol rehab center that fosters family involvement in substance abuse treatment. Acting quickly and helping your loved one enter a rehab facility as soon as possible is often vital in increasing the chances of a successful recovery. It’s important to locate a reputable family support & treatment center and do your part in getting your family member sober and healthy.3

How Should a Family Provide Support for a Struggling Addict?

There are several ways in which members of the family can provide assistance and support to a loved one actively seeking treatment for their substance abuse disorder:2

  • Rebuilding trust.
  • Setting clear boundaries.
  • Enhancing communication.
  • Actively participating in family-centered therapy and counseling.

What Is the Role of a Family Support Group?

It’s very common to see family members doing everything in their power in an effort to help their loved one defeat their addiction and start leading a sober and healthy life. However, they often require professional assistance to learn how to cope with this situation themselves and find the best way to help a family member during this difficult time. Many people have little knowledge on the different types of SUDs and they can be unaware of just how difficult a problem they’re facing.1, 5

This is why it’s important to know where to find the assistance you need. Some of the most prominent family counseling and support groups are:1

  • SMART Recovery.
  • PAL Group.
  • Nar-Anon.
  • NAMI.
  • GRASP.
  • Families Anonymous.
  • Alateen.
  • Al-Anon.

What Should I Expect from an Alcohol and Drug Treatment Program for Families?

Family drug and alcohol treatment and rehab centers offer specialized programs designed to help individuals overcome their addiction while having their family members there to offer love and support throughout the process. These facilities, especially when combined with long-term tailored treatment, offer improved chances of a successful recovery and lifelong sobriety.2

To better understand what you can expect from a family recovery and rehabilitation program, it’s best to learn more about the different aspects of treatment such facilities offer:2

What Advantages Does Family Rehab Offer?

Family alcohol and drug rehab can greatly facilitate and promote an individual’s recovery, as comprehensive family involvement in SUD treatment exhibits positive correlation between entry and retention in the program and positive long-term sobriety. Some of the biggest advantages of a facility that combines substance abuse treatment and family therapy include:2, 3

  • The continuing engagement of the family and its active role during follow-up care enhances the chances of long-lasting recovery without relapse.
  • The love, support, and understanding that stems from family presence during recovery offers comfort and introduces a strong driving force toward sobriety.
  • Family involvement represents the foundation of successfully treating the underlying root of an individual’s addiction and inspires lasting and meaningful change.

What Is the Cost of Family Alcohol and Drug Rehab?

The most expensive types of drug and alcohol rehab are those involving a wide range of luxury amenities as well as programs that provide private accommodation. It can be challenging to locate an affordable and reputable family rehab center, but you can use your insurance to at least partially cover the costs associated with the treatment.6

What’s more, you have access to numerous nationwide free and low-cost treatment programs. However, know that the extent of their services depends on the funding and resources made available to them by state and federal authorities.6

Will Insurance Cover My Family Rehab Program?

There is a substantial number of individuals across the United States of America who are struggling with drug, alcohol, and opioid addiction. However, it’s important to note there are many ways for an individual with or without insurance coverage to find the help they need.6

Some of the most reputable nationwide insurance providers offer either complete or partial coverage for substance addiction and abuse treatment. If you don’t have insurance and you can only rely on private pay for your rehab, you can explore a wide range of available payment methods, such as obtaining loans from your bank. Finally, you can also opt for state-funded or free treatment facilities, but know that their scope of rehab methods is often limited by government funding.6

How Can I Locate a Family Drug and Alcohol Rehab Facility Near Me?

If your loved one or you are struggling to overcome your SUD and are looking for more information on effective treatment solutions that leverage family dynamics during drug and alcohol rehab, reach out to American Addiction Centers, or AAC, to receive comprehensive information on the available programs and centers. We can help you locate some of the leading facilities that not only specialize in family rehab but also offer:2

Our hotline is available if you’d like to discuss your current situation privately and confidentially as well as if you’re looking for a way to inspect your benefits and find out how you can finance your addiction recovery. Finally, if you’re ready to enter a treatment facility, we offer numerous suitable options tailored to your specific needs and capable of offering the exact type of treatment you require.

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