The Two Types Of Denial When Dealing With Addiction
Experts in the addiction and rehab field in Nevada have identified the two types of denial most associated with addiction. Type A Denial and Type B Denial.
Type A Denial is when you see that you have an addiction problem and recognize that it is a problem based upon evidence. But when someone confronts you about it – you deny the problem. In our Las Vegas Rehab Center, our addictionologist has come across both types of denial.
What is Type B Denial?
Type B Denial is when you are partially or totally blind to your addiction. You have at this point believe you do not have a problem by lying to yourself. Or are really not even aware of problems. This is achieved through self-deception and rationalization.
You are surprised when people confront you about your addiction. You are not lying to others when you say that you do not have a problem. Because, unlike Type A denial, you believe it.
No Denial
But denial doesn’t suddenly disappear once the person sees and accepts being addicted. Our Nevada Rehabilitation Center has dealt with this psychology, and can help the individual. Instead another set of denials is placed upon what they see – so new excuses and counter data is created to cover up the truth of addiction.
Denial can be a intellectual based. Confirmed in their mind by how one sees themselves and their own ideas about what addict is supposed to look like.
Intellectual denial
Intellectual denial originates from lack of understanding or different definitions of what an addict is supposed to be like.
For instance, some people think drug addicts just lay on the floor and just soak in the highs of drug addiction, but the majority of addicts are still functioning members of society. If the person in denial believes that addicts cannot have jobs, then they will think they are not an addict, but a casual user.
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