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Is the ‘All of the Above’ Approach the Best Option for Nevada in Fighting the Drug Epidemic?

Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt is pushing for an “all of the above approach” to fighting the problem of drug trafficking, abuse, and addiction across the state, and the Substance Abuse Workshop is meeting regularly to turn that statement... read more

NV Bar Patron Found with Cocaine, $17K in Cash

Under the influence of a controlled substance, carrying a concealed dirk or dagger, possession of a narcotic, and threatening to commit a crime – these are just a few of the charges levied against a man in Nevada City. Employees of... read more

Is There a Marijuana Shortage in Nevada?

Recreational marijuana became available in Nevada this month, and within a few days, there was talk of a shortage in supply. People were waiting in 100+ temperatures for hours to be among the first to buy marijuana legally in the state. In... read more

Self-Care: What It Is, Why You Need It, and How to Use It to Improve Your Recovery

Staying sober for the long-term is a task that is accomplished by putting together a ton of little pieces every day. That is, every small decision you make, even if it seems insignificant, can really help you to stay sober. Self-care encompasses a number of... read more

NV Governor’s Proposal for Real-Time Tracking of Opioid Use Moves a Step Forward

Across the country, states have stepped up to address the opioid crisis by implementing statewide – and in some cases, interstate – prescription drug monitoring databases. These databases provide a... read more

Should Naloxone Be Available without a Prescription in NV?

Currently, people in Nevada who would like to have naloxone nearby in the event that a friend or loved one overdoses on an opiate drug must first get a prescription before heading to the pharmacy. A bill that is in front of the... read more

5 Ways to Travel More in Recovery and Why You Need to Do It Now

Traveling in recovery is one of the perks that comes with being free from the shackles of addiction. Not only do you have a little extra cash in your pocket to spend on your adventure, but you have the attention span and energy to be... read more

American Beverage Institute Targets Utah DUI Bill in Nevada

At the end of next year, Utah is slated to drop their legal driving limit from 0.08 percent blood alcohol content to 0.05 percent. While many experts across the country have long said that this was a move... read more

Working Out in Recovery? Top 10 Not-So-Fun Things to Prepare For

You’ll feel better, drop a few pounds, sleep better at night, and improve your overall health and wellness – including your ability to stay sober – when you work out regularly. All of this is true. But if... read more