The 11 Steps Of Relapse
Relapse is a state where you think that going back to your old life of addiction is a reasonable choice. It is a process in your recovery where a chain reaction happens, which over time sends you back to using.
By the time multiple problems have accumulated, you revert back to old habits. To prevent relapse, we have to recognize the warning signs that causes this domino effect.
Relapse grows from within and our inability to cope.
Researchers Terence T. Gorski and Merlene Miller has identified 11 predictors which might lead to relapse. It is important to take action before the final stages of physical relapse happens.
Problems which can show ball have to be identified. So ask yourself, what are your triggers and how can you deal with them? Do triggers involve people, like family? Are you triggered by being bored? Does it happen after you get angry? Maybe you can try yoga to calm your mind?
Here are the 11 steps as defined by researchers Gorski & Miller. See if you can identify any which might cause you to spiral down.
The 11 Steps Of Relapse:
1. Unhealthy emotions. Like facing a problem we are unwilling or unable to cope with emotionally.
2. Denial. Not asking for help, convinced that these emotions are not affecting you. Thinking everything is fine, because we have not taken drugs or alcohol.
3. Compulsive behaviors. Still do not want to take drugs or alcohol, but are doing other behaviors such as over working, over exercising or starting addictive relationships. You may be using sex or porn to divert your attention.
4. Triggers. Something happens, usually involving other people, places or situations that remind us to use drugs. But because now we have unhealthy emotions, denial and compulsive behaviors, this trigger has more weight than when we were not in turmoil.
5. Interior chaos. The trigger now has caused internal chaos where you think about doing drugs or alcohol again.
6. External turmoil. We start having fights or arguments with family or co-workers. May become bitter with our program or fellowships. At this time we begin to reject any help.
7. Loss of control. Many problems begin to pop up now because of everything
8. Addictive thinking. Actually thinking that recovery is not working, and being free is not what you want.
9. High-risk situations. Putting yourself in places or situations where you will relapse. Like driving around to buy drugs, or meeting friends who do drugs at a party.
10. Relapse (Physical)
11. Aftermath of relapse. Some realize they made mistake and reach back for help, others continue the addiction.
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