
Articles Tagged With:


Relapse: Triggers, Methods, and Avoidance

The Role of Relapse in Addiction Recovery Because addiction has previously been considered a failure of willpower, people who relapse might believe that they are defeated or have failed. This is not true. Addiction changes brain chemistry, and sometimes brain shape, and treatment is a long-term process of changing the brain back as much as […]

The 11 Steps Of Relapse

Relapse is a state where you think that going back to your old life of addiction is a reasonable choice. It is a process in your recovery where a chain reaction happens, which over time sends you back to using. By the time multiple problems have accumulated, you revert back to old habits. To prevent […]

The 3 Stages Of Relapse

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that the relapse rate for drug addiction is 40 to 60 percent. Although it appears to come on suddenly, relapse happens gradually. Maybe weeks or months before you actually physically relapse. The time frame before your physical relapse gives you the opportunity to do something. The goal […]