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Hangover Comfort Food

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Explainer – What is Black Tar Heroin?

Have you ever heard the term Black Tar Heroin? I hear it sometimes, and it always has some scary, daunting quality to it, even more so than the term heroin alone. Aside from being scary, black tar heroin is also a little vague so I thought I would brake it down for all those not […]

Which States Use The Most Painkillers

Americans take a lot of painkillers. We actually consume the majority of the world’s supply. To be exact, we take 80% of the opioids globally, even though we only make up 5% of the world population. We take pills for actual pain, we take them when... read more

Do People Simply Outgrow Their Addictions?

I read an interesting piece this week on the Pacific Standard stating that most people just grow out of their addictions. Maia Szalavitz argues that once the prefrontal cortex reaches maturity, usually in the mid 20’s, many people simply stop using... read more

Why Chugging a Fifth of Jack is a Bad Idea

First, let’s get one thing straight: this does not just apply to Jack Daniels, chugging a fifth of any alcohol is a terrible idea. People have been chugging alcohol since alcohol has existed, it’s a very human thing to do. Not the chugging, but the... read more

Where does the Term ‘Weed’ Come From?

Legal marijuana, both medical and recreational, have been in the news a lot lately. Most news media and web outlets refer to it as “Weed”, do you ever wonder why that became the go-to slang for marijuana? If so, you’re in luck, because Slate... read more

Ads Bring Humor to the Darkness of Gambling Addiction

I start most mornings by browsing news headlines to catch up on what is happening in my area, across the country, and lastly, in the addiction world. Most addiction news stories these days are pretty glum, but every so often I come across... read more

The Jellinek Curve – Addiction to Sobriety

We have all heard the term ‘Rock Bottom” when it comes to addiction to drugs and alcohol. This can be a dangerous way of thinking about any problem, why wait until you bottom out to make a correction? Any time you start heading... read more

Functional vs Dysfunctional Families

I spend a lot of time here talking about the bigger picture of addiction. Not just the addict, but the great environment. I talk about the emotions, the feelings, signs, symptoms, how addiction effects not just the addict, but the... read more

The Lost Child

We are continually writing new posts in hopes of helping families and loved ones better understand addiction and its effect on their lives. One of the simplest and most fundamental elements to understand is that the active addict is not the only one... read more