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Mythical Drug: Lotus Flower

  Is the lotus flower depicted on Odyssey a drug? In Homer’s epic Odyssey IX, Odysseus accounts tells us how strong north winds blew their ship off course as they were traversing around Cape Malea, and heading to Ithaca, thus, landing on the... read more

The Most Expensive Illegal Drug in the World

As we all know and heard from different media, people, and organizations, drug addiction will always ruin your life. It ruins your physical and mental health, your personal relationships, your social standing, your... read more

6 Signs You Have Mixed Drugs With Intimate Relations

Most of us want to be in a good relationships. Relationships require 100% attention from both partners. But, if either partner is involved with drugs, this is not longer the case. Because now, you have drugs or alcohol,... read more

Check Out These Vintage Prescription Drug Ads

One of my favorite pop culture sites on the web, BoingBoing posted some old-timey prescription drug ads this week. At first glance, the ads seem funny in a naive sort of way. But when you take a closer look, they are a little scary. Here are a few... read more

Our Houses Welcome Everyone!

olutions Recovery has multiple beautiful houses with great things to offer. Refreshing pools, fully-stocked kitchens, comfy beds, the list goes on! One thing that all the houses also have in common is they are co-ed. Part of... read more

How Is the New Crush-Resistant OxyContin Effecting Addiction?

Back in 2010, Purdue Pharma, the maker of America’s most prescribed pill, Oxycodone, agreed to re-formulate the highly addictive and very commonly abused medication. To me is seemed like a no-brainer for the manufacturer to take a few simple... read more

Let’s Talk About “Wake ‘N’ Bake” (And Other Daily Weed Habits)

I’m sure you know that that title means. It’s hard to believe that there is a commonly known term for it, but there is. Wake ‘n’ bake has always baffled me, the idea of waking up and getting high is something I just don’t understand. If you don’t know the term, or have yet to […]

Is This How Marijuana Finally Goes Full-Legal?

  Marijuana in America has been moving full steam ahead for the past couple of years. Both our view on weed, and it’s legal status have evolved much quicker than I’d ever anticipated. I don’t think I’m alone in thinking this. Public opinion generally... read more

My Thoughts On Johnny Depp Going To Rehab

I have read a few stories over the last couple days about Johnny Depp going to rehab, not going to rehab, needing rehab, not needing rehab etc. On the surface this may seem very black and white, either someone has a problem with... read more