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Hangover Comfort Food

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The Two Types Of Denial When Dealing With Addiction

Experts in the addiction and rehab field in Nevada have identified the two types of denial most associated with addiction. Type A Denial and Type B Denial. Type A Denial is when you see that you have... read more

1 Day, 30 Days or 90 Days How Long Does Meth Stay In Your Body?

We all know the dangers of Methamphetamine. It is an artificial drug created using common products found at the store. If you are abstaining, how long till it becomes undetectable? Unless you... read more

The 11 Steps Of Relapse

Relapse is a state where you think that going back to your old life of addiction is a reasonable choice. It is a process in your recovery where a chain reaction happens, which over time sends you back to using. By the time... read more

The 3 Stages Of Relapse

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that the relapse rate for drug addiction is 40 to 60 percent. Although it appears to come on suddenly, relapse happens gradually. Maybe weeks or months before you actually... read more

Cooking Meth With Shake And Bake

Mix some common chemicals found at the grocery store, shake it up into a plastic bottle and if it does not explode in your face – you have meth. The common chemicals to mix, I have left off this blog. But if you hang with the wrong crowd, their ingredients are no secret. The above […]

If Marlboro Started Selling Marijuana Cigarettes, What Will Be the Consequences?

There is a satirical article on the net which states that Phillip Morris is creating marijuana cigarettes. Some of the user comments did not realize that this was a fake... read more

Household Intoxication: Vanilla Extract

Vanilla Extract should be bought at a liquor Store, if you really know what’s inside it. Pure vanilla extract contains a minimum of 30% ethanol and can go up to 40% which is around the ballpark of a proof-70 spirit which is similar... read more

Identifying Drug Paraphernalia

As a parent, its scary to think about your kid being addicted to something dangerous. You constantly watch over them, monitor what they are eating, the amount of food intake, their mood swings, their hygiene, the way they dress-up, etc.... read more

Video Game Drugs: Skooma

The Elder Scrolls is an action role-playing open world videogame developed by Bethesda Game Studios. The games are known to be a richly detailed in their story, environment, character development, and game lore. The Elder Scrolls series features... read more