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Hangover Comfort Food

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Alcohol Sales Drop for the First Time in 15 Years

For the first time in 15 years, the sales of alcohol have dropped around the world, according to CNN. Euromonitor International, a market research firm, began tracking the numbers in 2001. In 2015, the company found that though the dollar amount of... read more

Addiction, Social Media, and Depression: The New Link

Scrolling through posts on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and other social media accounts is the norm these days, but for some, heavy use of social media has been shown to increase feelings of jealousy and discontent among users. Because most put their “best foot... read more

Top 5 Reasons to Avoid Addiction Treatment and Why None of Them Matter

Even if there are 100 good reasons to leave for rehab right away, it seems like it is never hard to come up with many more reasons to procrastinate and postpone getting help. Family constraints, work commitments, financial limitations, or denial that... read more

Should Marijuana Be Reclassified?

Currently, the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has marijuana classified as a Schedule I substance. This means that it is not legal for any purpose; it is highly addictive; and it is not approved for any medicinal use. States have been... read more

Adderall Abuse Steadily Increasing among Young People

Adderall is a drug that is commonly prescribed for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in kids and adults. It is a stimulant substance that can be very effective in helping people who need assistance to focus and... read more

5 Holistic Treatments That Could Be the Key to Your Addiction Recovery

There is a great deal of scientific research that supports the use of holistic therapies in the treatment of addiction – not only during the initial treatment period in the first months of recovery but also for the long-term. Though they should... read more

Is a Vaccine the Solution to Heroin Addiction?

The toll that opiate addiction, both painkiller addiction and heroin addiction, is taking on this country is devastating and severe. Overdose deaths, broken families, stagnating lives, and medical and mental health emergencies – these are just a... read more

Denise Matthews Had To Become The Crack Addicted Vanity in 1994 – But Now She Is Clean

  An evangelist is a person who seeks to convert others to the Christian faith. Evangelist are not typically associated with drug addiction. But... read more

Mother Nature’s Pharmacy: Pain Relievers

Pain is a reaction to stimuli that we all hate to have; unless you are a masochist, then it’s probably fine. Pain is a part of what makes us alive, it motivates us to stay away from damaging situations, protect our bodies when we are hurt or... read more