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Nevada Lawmakers Sue Purdue Pharma over Opiate Overdose Deaths

Nevada recently filed suit against Purdue Pharma, a drug company they blame for a large part of the opioid epidemic across the state and across the country – and they are not the only one. More and more states and cities are filing class action... read more

NV Gaming Board Regulates Gambling while Under the Influence of Drugs

When it comes to casino regulations regarding the use of substances among customers, the Nevada Gaming Commission’s policy is a living document that is constantly under review. Most recently, their focus for change was the standard for... read more

10 Ways to Save Money in Early Recovery

In early recovery, how best to manage meager – or nonexistent – finances is a major concern. It’s tough to come up with money when you are straight out of active addiction, but the good news is that there are a number of simple ways to save money as you start to move toward the […]

Meth: The Return of the Nevada Killer Drug

The rate of deaths caused by methamphetamine and other stimulants in Nevada is the highest in the country. If the rising trend in meth use and abuse continues as it has in the past few years, the number of deaths caused by methamphetamine will... read more

Does Governor Sandoval Support Trump in Giving Drug Dealers the Death Penalty?

Trump recently got into specifics when discussing his plan for addressing the opioid epidemic that is killing tens of thousands of Americans every year. He promised to make changes that would give us a drug-free generation of children – changes... read more

Ready to Eat Healthy in Recovery? 12 Easy Ways to Eat Healthier Today

With the weather warming up, you may be tempted to ditch your 12-Step meetings or appointments with your doctor or recovery coach and head outside instead, but now more than ever, it is time to set yourself up for success in sobriety. With... read more

Las Vegas Homes, Property Seized in Phantom Secure Drug Bust

Encrypted phones and other electronic devices have increasingly been a mainstay for drug dealers, drug traffickers, and drug cartels, allowing them to communicate about drops, exchanges, money matters, and more without detection. It’s long been... read more

Should Las Vegas Be the Next ‘Pot Sanctuary’ City?

Berkeley, California, recently declared themselves a “pot sanctuary city,” a riff off the fact that neighboring San Francisco has self-declared as a sanctuary city for immigrants. That is, the Berkeley City Council passed a measure stating that they... read more

5 Signs You Are Sabotaging Your Recovery

It may seem impossible that you would be doing anything to undermine all the hard work you have put into getting sober. But there are some behavior choices that may actually move you closer to relapse rather than farther away, whether you engage in... read more