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Dump before You Fly: Amnesty Boxes Now in Las Vegas Airport

For tourists who wake up in a blur and rush to the airport without checking their pockets, there is a last minute dump stop available to them in the form of so-called “amnesty boxes” at the Las Vegas airport. Because marijuana is legal for recreational use... read more

About Half of NV State Marijuana Testing Labs Have Been Shut Down: Why?

In the past five months, almost half of all labs in the state of Nevada responsible for testing marijuana have had their licenses suspended by the Nevada Tax Department. There are nine labs responsible for marijuana testing in Nevada, and four... read more

Should You Resolve to Be Less Judgmental in Recovery?

In recovery, you will quickly find that while detox is a huge hurdle to clear, recovery is more of a marathon than a sprint. Along the way, it becomes apparent that the real hurdles that pop up are assumptions that you didn’t realize were getting in your... read more

3 Young People Arrested in Reno for Drug-Related Charges

Three young adults were arrested in Reno this month on an assortment of drug-related charges. Ranging in age from 19 to 26, the three people were apprehended by the Nevada Department of Safety’s Tri-NET Narcotics Task Force in conjunction with the... read more

How to Love the Present Moment during the Holidays in Recovery

It is easy to get caught up in the holiday season. Nostalgia and the focus on beautiful family moments can trigger feelings of loneliness and regret if you are not able to be with your family this season. Many spend time thinking about the past –... read more

Is Illegal Marijuana Still a Problem in Nevada after Recreational Legalization?

As Nevadans adjust to the legal sale of recreational marijuana as the norm, many are looking to see what changes, if any, are developing as a result. Groups and politicians that were working for the legalization of the drug claimed... read more

Will a New Law Help Turn the Tide against Opiate Overdose Deaths in Nevada?

As of January 1, 2018, the Controlled Substance Abuse Prevention Act will go into effect in Nevada, a law passed unanimously by both houses and officially signed in June of this year. The primary goal of the changes brought about by the... read more

SureStep: App to Help People Stay on Track in Drug Court Born at Techstars Startup Weekend in Las Vegas

Daniel Lopez had his own run-in with the drug court system in Nevada in 2014 when he got three DUIs across seven years. He underwent the three-year drug court program in Nevada and has been sober for four years now. Says Lopez: “Going through the program let me... read more

Naloxone Offers a Reprieve, Not a Cure

It’s a medication that has been called a miracle, the only medication of its kind to successfully subvert an overdose in progress. Naloxone or Narcan can be administered via injection or as a nasal spray, and it is very easy to use. Though those who need it... read more