
Articles Tagged With:


NV Governor’s Proposal for Real-Time Tracking of Opioid Use Moves a Step Forward

Across the country, states have stepped up to address the opioid crisis by implementing statewide – and in some cases, interstate – prescription drug monitoring databases. These databases provide a way for doctors and pharmacists to see all prescriptions given to any patient, allowing them to avoid giving them a prescription that could cause another […]

Slang Names for Drugs

Every drug has its assortment of slang or “street” names, including prescription drugs that are sold and used illegally. These names often change as users and drug dealers try to stay ahead of police officers, parents, and the general public so they can talk about them openly without others knowing they’re referring to illicit substances. […]

Las Vegas Is Top City in Nevada for Drug Overdose Deaths

Drug overdose deaths are an ongoing and growing problem across the country. The US Department of Health and Human Services reports that many of these deaths are due to use of heroin and other synthetic opiates, like fentanyl. In 2014, they reported that 18,893 occurred across the country involving opiate painkillers, an increase of 16 […]